The Buzi, Pungwe, and Save Watercourse Commission (BUPUSACOM) was established on 17 May 2023, in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The Buzi, Pungwe, and Save (BUPUSA) Watercourse Commission culminated from various agreements for the cooperation of the two Member States regarding the three basins. These agreements are:
1. The Buzi Water Sharing Agreement, signed in Mutare, Zimbabwe in July 2019
2. The Pungwe Water Sharing Agreement signed in 2016
3. The Save Water Sharing Agreement signed in Harare, Zimbabwe, in May 2023
4. The BUPUSA Hosting Agreement, signed in Harare, Zimbabwe, in May 2023
5. The BUPUSA Establishment Agreement, signed in Harare, Zimbabwe,in May 2023
The BUPUSA Commission promotes the equitable and sustainable development of the water resources of the Buzi, Pungwe and Save River basins, which are exclusively shared by Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The BUPUSA Commission provides a forum for consultation and coordination between the riparian states to promote integrated water resources management and development within the basins.
The goals of the BUPUSA commission are as follows:
- Strategic planning and management of the programmes of the BUPUSA basins;
- Implementation of the decisions of the BUPUSA Council of Ministers;
- Establish and maintain a trans-boundary water resources database and disseminate data and information in compliance with the provisions of the Joint Water Commission (JWC), Buzi, Pungwe and Save Agreements;
- Facilitate the implementation of trans-boundary projects and the execution of other activities;
- Mobilizing resources for the general operations of the Commission, as well as for technical studies and other trans-boundary projects, including liaison with International Cooperating Partners;
- Facilitate the development of terms and conditions for the prevention and resolution of conflicts related to the use of water resources of common interest in the three watercourses; and
- Facilitate and coordinate the participation of stakeholders and national institutions in trans-boundary water resources management activities.